Sunday, June 22, 2008

God's Song

Honduras. Day 26.

This morning, we got up early to get all of our stuff packed at the house in El Hatillo so that we could move back to the apartments in Humuya quicker this afternoon. We left all the luggage by the door and then piled in Marc's truck (the Galloper is apparently still in the auto-hospital, as well it should be) and headed to church in Los Pinos, where one of the TORCH groups was going to be worshipping. The church service there was fine, but I did bring my iPod with one of Andy's sermons on it so that I could go out after communion and listen to a message (it's been rough not being able to understand anything in church, and I was craving a good Bible lesson; you never understand how being removed from a strong, supporting church can affect you until it's gone). I got to see some of my favorite kids after they got out of class, and that was awesome; got to hang out with David and Luis too, and they're quickly becoming some of my best buds, so that's always good too.

We went and got some of the luggage at El Hatillo and took it to the apartments. We dropped off a few people at Carnita's (an awesome steak restaurant built inside of an old dugout of a run-down baseball field), then a few of us went back to get the rest of the luggage. After we moved it all into the apartments, we all joined Timoteo's family, Norlan (the bus driver), Marc and his family, and Mark Halbert's group from Tupelo for an awesome lunch at Carnita's. Me, Karis, Nolan, David and Kale left early to go to the apartments, and then we left later on to go to Valle of Angeles to meet the others. Me and David walked around Valle de Angeles looking for a guitar (of which there were no cheap ones), and then had Espresso Americano. That was a good time, and then we loaded up and went to devo at Santa Lucia with both TORCH groups. The singing tonight was AMAZING, and it was definitely the recharge that I needed. Tim Hine's gave a mini-devo when he prayed after the singing, and he prayed about how great the singing is going to be in Heaven.

Nothing new. Heard people pray about that before.

But then he prayed about how excited he was to hear what it was going to be like when God sings to us in Heaven. He quoted Zephaniah 3:17, and said that, someday, God will sing over us.

Now that I hadn't heard before.

God's song... I wonder what it will say. I wonder how it will sound. I wonder if Jesus and the Holy Spirit will sing harmony. God's song to us... God's song... over us... I don't know; maybe I'm weird, but that's a pretty cool idea to me. I think so often about singing being something I give to Him. But someday, He'll give it to us.

I look forward to it.

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