Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Container Time!

Honduras. Day 41.

Today, I woke up early and walked to the Dunkin' Donuts down by Hospital Escuela for a breakfast croissant, a cup of hot coffee, and an amazing time of digging into God's Word. I felt so encouraged reading part of Psalm 119, about how delighting in God's commands and actually having a relationship with Him should go hand in hand. It was a great morning devotional; much needed at that.

We loaded up and went to the warehouse for a little while to work. We moved some machinery and then we sat... for a LONG time. I finally called Marc, and he said to come out to Mirador Oriente to mix concrete for the new school. We got there, and, "welcome to Honduras," there was no sand to mix with. But it was all good. Milton, Steve, and Keither waited for the sand, and the rest of us went back to wait for a container to come in.

I never thought I'd say this but: I was glad the container came.

It's always been my least favorite job, unloading a semi-truck full of missionary junk and storing it in the warehouse, but after a day of feeling completely useless, I relished the container work. And once it was all done, in record time (1 hour 30 minutes), it felt GREAT. Marc then took us out to Carnita's for supper as a reward.

And now I'm in Santa Ana. I asked Marc if I could come live with him and Terri for a while. I was really getting tired of the lifestyle of the apartments, and I think that living out here in Santa Ana will put me closer to some of the TORCH groups and provide me with more opportunity to work and less opportunity to sit around like I did today. Also, I think it will give me a lot more quiet time with my God.

So I'm all the way out in Santa Ana right now. And yet, after a long, crazy day... I am happy.

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